成為神的子民—-申命記26:18-19[耶和華今日照祂所應許你的, 也認你為祂的子民, 使你𧫴守祂的一切誡命. 又使你得稱讚, 美名, 尊榮, 超乎祂所造的萬民之上. 並照祂所應許的, 使你歸耶和華你神為聖潔的民.] [故事]新任英國國國王查理斯二世, 擔任王儲時曾訪問倫敦的一個貧民窟. 在訪問的過程中, 驚訝的發現一名在街頭兜售雜誌的貧民, 居然是查理斯王44年前的同班同學. 當年的同窗, 如今一位貴為王儲, 另一位是淪落街頭的流浪漢. [思考]您是否偶遇多年不見的朋友或同學?如今你已是在基督裏的人, 擁有神的恩典與永恆的盼望, 他卻是如何呢?為你所認識的人禱告, 求主賜福他們, 祈望他們的日子過得平安喜樂, 也有永生的福份.[禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 我們本來都是卑微的人, 但是祢愛我們, 只要我們願意接受祢做我們的神, 遵行祢的道, 祢必照祢所應許的, 接受我們成為祢國度裏尊貴的子民, 完全歸屬於祢, 能夠享受祢賜給我們一切的福份. 我們獻上感恩, 願意順服跟從祢. 禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!
Becoming God’s people – Deuteronomy 26:18-19 [The Lord has recognized you today as his people, just as he promised you, to keep all his commandments, and to give you praise. , great fame and honor above all the peoples he created. And he will make you a people holy to the LORD your God, as he promised.] [Story] The new King of England, Charles II, serves as Crown Prince I once visited a slum in London. During the visit, I was surprised to find that a poor man selling magazines on the street was actually a classmate of King Charles 44 years ago. One of his classmates at that time is now the crown prince, and another is the crown prince. One is a homeless man living on the street. [Thinking] Have you met a friend or classmate you haven’t seen for many years? Now that you are in Christ, with God’s grace and eternal hope, what about him? Pray for the people you know, and ask the Lord to bless them, and hope that their lives will be peaceful and joyful, and that they will have the blessings of eternal life. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father God, we are all humble people, but You love We, as long as we are willing to accept you as our God and obey your ways, you will accept us as your honored people in your kingdom according to your promise, completely belong to you, and be able to enjoy all the blessings you have given us. We give thanks and are willing to obey and follow You. We pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!