大禮物—-羅馬書8:32[神既不愛惜自已的兒子為我們眾人捨了, 豈不也把萬物和他一同白白地賜給我們嗎?] [故事]一位女同學收到朋友送來一包禮物, 包裝很大盒, 以為一定是件很大的禮物. 於是一層一層打開來看, 每層包的又緊又密, 最後一層是用火漆加封, 以為一定是件珍貴禮品, 仔細打開一看, 裏面裝著一個火柴盒子, 打開盒子, 看見裏面裝著兩粒花生米, 那位女同學一見之下, 大失所望, 也十分憤怒. [思考]世界上的東西就如打牌, 抽煙, 喝酒, 高位, 美名, 似乎引人入勝. 但是結果皆是虛空, 令你失望. 但神絕不送空包, 祂把萬有和祂兒子, 皆白白賜給我們了. [禱告]我們在天上的父, 世上雖有許多榮華富貴在誘惑我們, 但那一切都是過眼雲煙, 瞬間就過去, 唯有從祢而來的是永遠常存. 感謝天父的大愛, 將主耶穌賜給我們. 甚至也將一切的好處白白賜給我們, 讓我們在世上短暫的日子裏, 有祢豐盛的祝福. 求祢光照我們, 一生行在祢的真道上, 有祢的恩惠慈愛隨著我們. 禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!
Great Gift – Romans 8:32 [He who did not spare his own Son but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not also with him freely give us all things? ] [Story] A female classmate received a package of gifts from a friend. It was packaged in a big box. She thought it must be a big gift. So she opened it layer by layer and looked at it. Each layer was packed tightly and densely. Finally, The first layer was sealed with fire paint, thinking it must be a precious gift. When I opened it carefully, I found a matchbox inside. When I opened the box, I saw two peanuts inside. When the female classmate saw it, she was disappointed and very angry. . [Thinking] The things in the world are like playing cards, smoking, drinking, high status, and good reputation. They seem attractive. But the results are all empty and make you disappointed. But God will never give away empty baskets. He gave all things and His Son, All are given to us freely. [Prayer] Our Father in heaven, although there are many glory and wealth in the world to tempt us, but all of them are fleeting and pass away in an instant. Only what comes from You lasts forever. Thank you. The great love of Heavenly Father gave us the Lord Jesus. He even gave us all the benefits freely, so that we can have your abundant blessings during our short time on this earth. Please enlighten us and walk in your true way throughout our lives. Above, your grace and love follow us. This prayer is in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!