跌倒再爬起—-詩篇91:1-2[住在至高者隱密處的, 必住在全能者的蔭下.  我要論到耶和華說:祂是我的避難所, 是我的山寨, 是我的上帝, 是我所倚靠的.][故事]一位老教授走向講台時, 不小心跌了一跤, 頓時學生哄堂大笑, 老教授卻若無其事的爬起來, 說”人生就是這樣, 跌倒了再爬起來.  再跌倒了再爬起來. “ 這一段現身說法, 深深感動了在座的學生.  [思考]你是否正面對一些失敗?或是被人打擊, 摔到在地, 受創甚重?在軟弱中把這些告訴主, 求祂來安慰你的心, 讓祂的手牽著你的手, 求主賜你勇氣, 就在掙扎中再次站立起來.  [禱告]親愛的天父上帝. 我們感謝祢給予我們的應許, 祢是我們的避難所和山寨, 是我們隨時的幫助.  在我們人生的道路上, 常常遭遇到許多挫折和苦難. 失敗和痛苦. 使我們跌倒, 灰心喪膽.  求主幫助我們, 依靠祢的應許和力量, 能夠堅強的站立起來. 勇敢向前走, 過得勝的生活.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Fall and rise again – Psalm 91:1-2 [He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High will dwell under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord: He is my refuge and my fortress. , is my God, the one I rely on.] [Story] When an old professor walked to the podium, he accidentally fell. The students burst into laughter, but the old professor got up calmly and said, “This is how life is.” , Fall down and get up again. Fall down again and get up again. “This personal statement deeply moved the students present. [Thinking] Are you facing some failures? Or was he hit, thrown to the ground, and severely injured? Tell the Lord these things in your weakness, and ask Him to comfort your heart, let His hand hold your hand, and ask the Lord to give you the courage to stand up again in the struggle. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father God. We Thank you for the promises you have given us. You are our refuge and fortress, and our ever-present help. On the road of our lives, we often encounter many setbacks and sufferings. Failures and pains make us fall and become discouraged. Please Lord. Help us to rely on your promises and strength to stand strong. Move forward bravely and live a victorious life. This prayer is in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!