腓立比書2:4[各人不要單顧自己的事, 也要顧別人的事][案例]一位國王故意在通往京城的大道上, 放置一塊大石頭, 之後自己藏身在附近, 要看誰會將這塊石頭挪開. 各色人走到此處, 看見大石頭, 每個人都繞行而過, 有的甚至高聲責備政府無能, 竟讓大道上有此阻礙物, 就是沒有一人將此阻礙物挪開. 最後, 有一個農夫擔菜經過此處, 看見大石頭, 就將菜擔放下, 把石頭推到路旁. 當他推石頭之時, 發現石頭底下有個袋子, 打開一看, 裏面有不少金子, 並註明這些金子是要送給搬移石頭的人. [理由]不單顧自己的事. 與其咒詛黑暗, 不如點亮了光明. 社會是有許多的問題, 國家也有許多的毛病, 我們生活中也常遇到難處. 但是你的一份付出, 將會使許多人得著益處. 讓我們以主動的善行, 默默地為主做一些事. [結論]親愛的天父上帝, 我們感謝祢, 祢是何等的美好, 處處都為我們設想. 祢知道我們在世上活著, 不能單獨行事, 乃是大家要彼此相顧, 要愛人如己, 也待人如己. 我們才能活出神的榮美, 也能夠有美好的見證, 求主幫助我們. 禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!
Philippians 2:4 [Each of you, look not only at your own business, but also at the business of others] [Case] A king deliberately placed a large stone on the road leading to the capital, and then hid himself there People were nearby to see who would move this stone away. People of all kinds walked here and saw the big stone. Everyone walked around and passed by. Some even loudly blamed the government for its incompetence for allowing such an obstruction on the road. But no one moved this obstacle away. Finally, a farmer passed by carrying vegetables and saw a big stone. He put down the vegetable load and pushed the stone to the side of the road. When he pushed the stone, he found that there was a stone under the stone. Open the bag and see that there is a lot of gold inside, and indicate that the gold is to be given to the person who moved the stone. [Reason] Don’t just mind your own business. Instead of cursing the darkness, it is better to light up the light. There are many things in society. problems, the country also has many problems, and we often encounter difficulties in life. But your contribution will benefit many people. Let us do something for the Lord silently with proactive good deeds. [ Conclusion] Dear Heavenly Father God, we thank you for how wonderful you are and how you have everything in mind for us. You know that when we live on this earth, we cannot do things alone, but we must care for each other, love others as ourselves, and treat others as we do. Only by ourselves can we live out the beauty of God and have beautiful testimonies. Please help us. We pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!