羅馬書8:28[我們曉得萬事都互相效力, 叫愛神的人得益處.][案例]在第二次世界大戰時, 某艘船沉沒, 有一個人漂流到孤𡷊, 獨自一人在島上生存.  他天天站在海邊大搖白旗, 希望遠處有人見了會來救他, 可是很久都沒有效果.  有一天, 他所搭篕的茅屋突然起火燃燒, 他傷心之餘, 埋怨上帝”我唯一棲身之所, 我僅有的物品, 都化為灰燼, 上帝為何使我走上絕路.”  次日, 忽然有人駕船來救他.  他問他們怎麼知道來救他, 救他的人說道”我們看見火光特來相救.”  原來火光就是來自他著火的茅屋.  他起初的埋怨, 變為大大的感激, 上帝藉著燒毀的茅屋救了他.  [理由]萬事互相效力.  許多時候, 上帝對衪的兒女, 加上苦難或奪去一些東西, 乃是要叫他們得著奇妙的恩典, 您有這種體驗嗎? 有時在苦難的外衣下, 常常隱藏著上帝極大的恩典.  創世記50:20約瑟對他的諸兄說”從前你們的意思是要害我, 但神的意思是好的, 要保全許多人的性命, 成就今日的光景.” 創世記50:20是羅馬書8:28極好的註解. 叫愛神的人得益處, 或得好處. 這應許是以神長期的眼光來衡量的, 所以由人短暫的眼光來看, 也許是難以接受的.  羅馬書8:28是關於信徒的事實陳述, “那些愛神並按祂旨意蒙召的人”.  它是不應該扔在非信徒腳下的珍貴珍珠. 他們不可能理解它的意義, 並可能從中獲得對上帝扭曲的看法, 或者認為基督教信仰是一種天真的游戲.  非信徒需要聽到的經文是約翰福音3:16, 而不是羅馬書8:28.  羅馬書8:28的重點不是信徒生活中孤立的事件, 而是所有事件的總和.  這節經文沒有告訴我, 如果我的腿斷了, 或者我被搶刼毆打, 我應該說”很好”.  但它確實說上帝會使用這些事件, 並將它與我生活的各個方面交織在一起, 從而產生祂認為對我最好的東西.  我們常常聽到人們陳腔濫調地使用羅馬書8:28.  當您使用這首具有爆發力的聖經金句時, 請小心處理, 但無論你做什麼, 都不要遠離它, 並且您應該經常使用它, 它所包含的真理可以改變你的整個人生觀, 就像漫漫黑夜中的一𥵃明燈.[結論]親愛的天父上帝, 祢是安排萬事的神, 祢安排我身邊所有的事, 為要使萬物都互相效力, 叫我得益處.   天父上帝, 為著祢在我身上成就所有的事, 我都要感謝祢.  求聖靈幫助我更加的愛主, 因為唯有主的愛充滿我, 我就能少一點埋怨, 嘆息, 不服氣, 不甘心.  能夠有主同行, 這樣我身邊不論什麼事, 就都要成為我的好處和祝福.  親愛的兄弟姊妹, 我不知道大家現在的人生正在經歷什麼, 是病患, 是逼迫, 是工作壓力, 與人相處困難與破裂…. 得勝有餘的人生, 並不是沒有風暴的人生.  得勝有餘的人生, 是我們明白現在我們所經歷的一切, 神都知道, 祂都明白, 祂並𣎴是不愛你, 放棄你, 沒有任何環境能使神的愛與我們隔絕, 雖然今日或許我們未完全明白這些困難為什麼會發生在我們身上, 但我們要知道, 神愛我們, 凡事為我們著想, 讓我們在走這天路的歴程中, 得著好處, 預備我們進入祂的榮耀裡.  願我們無論在任何環境中, 都仰望祂, 依靠祂, 因為我們深信神愛我們到底.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Romans 8:28 [And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.] [Case Study] During World War II, a man was shipwrecked and drifted to a deserted island. Stranded and alone, he survived by himself, hoping for rescue. Every day, he stood on the shore waving a white flag, hoping someone would see and save him, but to no avail. One day, his makeshift hut caught fire and burned to the ground. Heartbroken, he cried out to God, “This was my only shelter and all I had—why have You left me with nothing?” The next day, a rescue boat arrived. When asked how they knew to come, the rescuers said, “We saw the fire.” The very fire that he lamented had signaled his rescue. His initial complaints turned into deep gratitude as he realized God used the burning hut to save him. [Reasoning] “All things work together for good.” Often, God allows trials or takes things away from His children to grant them even greater blessings. Have you experienced such moments? Many times, God’s abundant grace is hidden beneath the guise of hardship. In Genesis 50:20, Joseph told his brothers, “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.” This verse perfectly illustrates Romans 8:28. The promise of “good” in Romans 8:28 is measured through God’s eternal perspective, not our short-term viewpoint. For believers, this verse is a statement of fact—meant for those who love God and are called according to His purpose. It is not something to casually present to non-believers, as they may misunderstand its meaning or view Christianity as naive. Non-believers need to hear John 3:16, not Romans 8:28. This verse focuses not on isolated events in a believer’s life but on the cumulative effect of all events. Romans 8:28 does not suggest we should celebrate hardships like a broken leg or a robbery. Instead, it assures us that God uses such events, weaving them into the fabric of our lives to bring about the best outcome from His perspective. This verse is often misquoted or oversimplified. When using this powerful scripture, handle it carefully. It contains a truth so profound it can transform your entire outlook on life—like a beacon of light in the darkest night. [Conclusion] Dear Heavenly Father, You are the sovereign God who orchestrates all things for our good. Thank You for using every event in my life to bring about blessings and to fulfill Your purpose. Holy Spirit, help me to love God more deeply. Fill my heart with His love so that I may complain less, grumble less, and accept His will more willingly. With the Lord by my side, everything in my life can become a source of blessing and benefit. To my dear brothers and sisters, I don’t know what challenges you may be facing—illness, persecution, work stress, broken relationships, or conflicts. A victorious life doesn’t mean a life without storms; it means understanding that God knows and sees everything you’re going through. He has not abandoned or stopped loving you. No circumstance can separate us from God’s love. Even if we don’t fully understand why difficulties occur, we can trust that God loves us, cares for us, and is preparing us for His glory. Let us look to Him and rely on Him in every situation, for we are assured of His enduring love. In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!