心理作用—-以賽亞書26:3-4[堅心倚賴你的, 你必保守他十分平安, 因為他倚靠你.  你們當倚靠耶和華直到永遠, 因為耶和華是永久的磐石.]你是否很容易受週遭發生的事情而焦慮?很多時候心理作用常成為我們恐懼的原因. 在安靜中求主給你夠用的膽量和信心.  我們可能會被苦難和煩惱所包圍, 但我們仍能享受世人所不知道的內心寧靜和平安.  這種內心的平安會反映在快活的容貌, 安詳的性情, 充滿活力和熱情的行為上, 足以鼓舞我們所接觸的一切人.  基督徒的平安不是依賴周遭世界平安的條件, 而是依賴神的聖靈住在心中.  擁有信仰確信, 意志堅定的人們, 他們內心有平安, 外在生活有神的幫助, 這種來自神的平安會持續到永遠.  我們即使在地上有煩惱, 我們應當仰望永恆的平安, 住在願意賜平安給我們的神的懷抱中. [禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 我們稱頌祢, 感謝祢, 祢是我們堅固的磐石, 我們所依靠的.  求主憐憫我們. 有時軟弱無能, 很容易受到周遭環境和事物的影響, 心裏恐懼, 失去信心.  求主幫助我們, 不要憂愁掛慮, 要藉著禱告將一切交托給祢, 全心信賴祢, 祢必保守眷顧, 賜給我們屬天的平安.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

The Power of the Mind – Isaiah 26:3-4 [You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast because they trust in you. Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord himself, is the Rock eternal.] [Reflection] Do you often feel anxious about the events happening around you? Many times, our fears stem from psychological factors. In moments of stillness, seek the Lord’s strength and faith to overcome these fears. Even when surrounded by trials and troubles, we can still experience a peace that the world cannot understand. This inner peace is reflected in a joyful countenance, a calm disposition, and energetic, enthusiastic actions that inspire those we encounter. For Christians, peace does not rely on the external conditions of the world but on the Holy Spirit dwelling within us. Those with unwavering faith and steadfast will enjoy inner peace, receive God’s help in their outward lives, and possess a peace from God that endures eternally. Even amidst earthly troubles, we should focus on the eternal peace that comes from dwelling in the arms of the God who grants peace to us. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, We praise and thank You, for You are our solid rock, the one we trust in. Lord, have mercy on us, for we are often weak and easily affected by the circumstances and events around us. We feel fear and lose faith. Help us, Lord, to overcome worry and anxiety, to entrust everything to You through prayer, and to rely on You completely. We trust that You will watch over us, care for us, and grant us heavenly peace. In Jesus Christ’s name, we pray. Amen!