你們要休息—-詩篇46:10A[你們要休息, 要知道我是神.][釋義]如果你一直忙於工作, 你用什麼時間來思考呢?不要讓自己不知不覺掉入忙碌的陷阱中.  忙碌有時是魔鬼的一個手段, 無非是要剝奪你和上帝的親密關係, 同時讓你在無盡的忙碌中耗去寶貴的光陰, 失去了生命的方向.  休息, Be still, 停住, 靜下來, 放手. 不要再用自己的方法, 應全心倚靠神, 等候神, 要神彰顯祂的大能, 成就祂的旨意. 要榮耀神. [禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 求祢的聖靈光照我們, 讓我們在忙碌的生活中能夠覺醒.  忙碌的工作只能夠帶給我們物質的需求, 卻失去心靈的平靜和安穩.  我們需要在休息當中親近祢, 更加的認識祢, 以祢為至寶.  因為唯有祢是我們永遠的居所, 是我們的產業, 我們有主就心滿意足了.  求主永遠住在我們心中, 掌管我們的生命.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Be Still – Psalm 46:10a [Be still, and know that I am God.] [Explanation] If you are constantly busy with work, when do you take time to reflect? Don’t let yourself unknowingly fall into the trap of busyness. Sometimes, busyness is a tactic of the enemy to rob you of your intimate relationship with God. It can also cause you to waste precious time in endless activity, losing sight of your life’s direction. To “be still” means to stop, calm down, and let go. Stop relying on your own ways and fully trust in God. Wait on Him to reveal His power and fulfill His will. Through this, you will glorify God. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, we ask for Your Holy Spirit to enlighten us and help us awaken from the trap of busyness in our lives. While work may meet our material needs, it cannot provide the peace and stability our souls long for. We need to draw close to You during times of rest, to know You more deeply and treasure You above all else. You are our eternal refuge and inheritance, and having You is enough to satisfy our hearts. Lord, dwell in our hearts always and take control of our lives. In Jesus Christ’s name, we pray. Amen!