明天自有明天的憂慮—-馬太福音6:34[所以, 不要為明天憂慮, 因為明天自有明天的憂慮, 一天的難處一天當就夠了.][釋義]神是要我們好好注意今天, 不應好高騖遠, 為明天憂慮.  天國子民要好好活在今天裏. 不該做明天的奴隸.  憂慮正像明日的烏雲, 會遮住今日的陽光.  神的恩典從來只供給實際有困難的人, 而不供給想像中有困難的人.  煩惱常常來自我們對自己對明日或將來的擔憂, 真正要關心的是天的國和天的義.  我們應該將一切的憂愁掛慮交託給神, 盡心盡力的過好今天, 讓度過的每一天都可以坦然交帳.[禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 感謝祢賜給我們生命, 賜給我們每一天都是新的, 充滿希望和活力.  雖然每天也會面對生活中的煩惱和擔憂, 但祢的恩典足夠我們使用, 我們只要盡本分過好每一天的生活, 我們一天的難處一天當就夠了, 明天的難處也自然有明天的恩典, 讓我們每天都有祢的恩惠慈愛陪伴我們, 賜給我平安和喜樂.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Do Not Worry About Tomorrow – Matthew 6:34 [Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.] 

[Explanation] God wants us to focus on today without being overly ambitious or worrying about tomorrow. As citizens of His kingdom, we are called to live fully in the present and not become slaves to future anxieties. Worry is like the clouds of tomorrow, blocking the sunshine of today. God’s grace is sufficient for the real difficulties we face, but not for imagined troubles. Many of our worries stem from our concerns about tomorrow or the future. Instead, our focus should be on God’s kingdom and His righteousness. We should entrust all our cares to Him, live each day with diligence, and be able to present our daily lives to Him without regret. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, we thank You for the gift of life and for making each day new, filled with hope and energy. Though each day brings its share of worries and challenges, Your grace is sufficient for us. Help us to fulfill our responsibilities and live faithfully each day. Today’s troubles are enough for today, and tomorrow’s troubles will come with tomorrow’s grace. May Your loving kindness and mercy accompany us each day, granting us peace and joy. In Jesus Christ’s name, we pray. Amen!