務要傳道—-提摩太全書4:2[務要傳道, 無論得時不得時, 務要專心, 並用百般的忍耐, 各樣的教訓, 責備人, 警戒人, 勸勉人.][釋義]每天有多少人從我們旁邊經過, 有多少人常常與我們一起工作和生活, 他們或許需要你一句鼓勵和讃美的話.  當你向一個人說”耶穌愛你, 我也愛你” 可能將會改變他的一生, 讓他認識了耶穌而得著永生的盼望. [禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 我們感謝祢, 賜給我們救恩, 得著永生的盼望, 成為有福的人.  求聖靈充滿我們, 使我們有愛心關懷我們周圍人, 因為他們也需要主的救恩. 求主賜給我們智慧和勇氣, 無論何時何地, 有耐心傳講福音. 見證主道, 讓多人認識祢, 信靠祢.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Be Prepared to Preach the Word – 2 Timothy 4:2 [Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction.] [Explanation] How many people pass by us every day? How many do we work and live alongside? Some of them might need just one word of encouragement or praise from you. A simple phrase like, “Jesus loves you, and so do I,” could change their life, leading them to know Jesus and receive the hope of eternal life. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, we thank You for the gift of salvation and the hope of eternal life, making us truly blessed people. Fill us with the Holy Spirit so that we may care for those around us with love, knowing they, too, need Your salvation. Lord, grant us wisdom and courage to share the gospel patiently and boldly, wherever we are. Let us testify of Your truth and lead many to know and trust in You. In Jesus Christ’s name, we pray. Amen!