忙也是一塲空—-傳道書2:11[後來, 我察看我手所經營的一切事和我勞祿所成的功, 誰知都是虛空, 都是捕風, 在日光下毫無益處.] [釋義]”世人都曉神仙好, 惟有功名忘不了.  古來將相在何方? 荒冢一堆草沒了.  世人都𣇈神仙好. 惟有金銀忘不了.  終朝只恨聚無多, 及到多時眼閉了.”  你最近在忙什麼? 是否有著一種無奈和苦悶?把心中的感受告訴主. 不要讓自己瞎忙白忙. 還是空忙一場, 都是虛空, 都是捕風, 毫無益處. [禱告]親愛的天父上帝. 我們求祢憐悯我們的愚蠢無知, 我們在世間的日子, 只知道拚命的工作. 賺取金錢財務, 只願滿足肉體的需要而忽略我們靈命的需求.  求聖靈提醒我們, 世間一切都是虛空, 忙忙碌碌所得的, 最後也是虛空, 就算我們能夠賺得全世界, 賠上了性命, 又有何益處呢?求主幫助我們愛惜光陰. 竭力追求靈命的長進, 殷勤事奉祢.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Busy Yet Empty – Ecclesiastes 2:11 [Then I considered all that my hands had done and the toil I had expended in doing it, and behold, all was vanity and a striving after wind, and there was nothing to be gained under the sun.] [Explanation] “People know the peace of a divine life, yet they cannot let go of fame and power. Where are the generals and ministers of old? Beneath a tomb, overgrown with weeds. People know the joy of a divine life, yet they cannot let go of gold and silver. They lament daily over not having enough, only to find their eyes closed when they do.” What have you been busy with recently? Do you feel trapped by frustration and exhaustion? Share your thoughts and feelings with the Lord. Don’t let yourself stay caught up in meaningless busyness or toil that leads nowhere. Without God, it is all vanity and chasing after the wind, offering no real benefit. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, we ask for Your mercy on our foolishness and ignorance. During our time on earth, we focus so much on working hard to earn money and satisfy our physical needs while neglecting the growth of our spiritual lives. Holy Spirit, remind us that everything in this world is fleeting and empty. All our toil, without You, amounts to nothing. What good is it to gain the whole world but lose our soul? Help us to make good use of our time, diligently pursue spiritual growth, and serve You faithfully. In Jesus Christ’s name, we pray. Amen!