不同角度看—-羅馬書15:7[所以你們要彼此接納, 如同基督接納你們一樣, 使榮耀歸與神.][釋義]同一個東西或事件, 不同的人用不同的角度往往有不同的看法, 甚至無所謂誰對誰錯.  許多事情由於立場不同, 難免有一些差異.  學習站在別人的立場, 更容易體會他人的問題, 也可以有更大的接納和包容.  基督徒的交通, 不以某人的見解正確或錯誤為根據, 問題不在乎別人是否和我一樣的信法, 或是否有完全相同的經歷.  唯一的要點乃是, 神有沒有接納他? 如果有, 我也得照樣的接納他.[禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 祢的慈愛高及諸天, 祢的信實直到萬代. 雖然我們是個罪人, 祢卻愛我們, 接納我們, 我們是何等的有福!求主幫助我們, 愛主也要愛人, 學習基督的様式, 與人和睦相處要彼此接納.  以忍耐和包容相待, 彼此相顧.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Seeing from Different Angles — Romans 15:7 [Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God.] [Explanation] The same object or event may be viewed differently by different people depending on their perspectives, and oftentimes there isn’t a definitive right or wrong. Many differences arise due to differing standpoints. By learning to stand in another’s shoes, we can better understand their challenges and develop greater acceptance and tolerance. Christian fellowship is not based on whether someone’s views are correct or incorrect, nor on whether their experiences are identical to ours. The sole criterion is this: Has God accepted them? If He has, then we too must accept them in the same way. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, Your love reaches to the heavens, and Your faithfulness endures through all generations. Although we are sinners, You love and accept us, and we are so blessed! Help us, Lord, to love others as we love You, to follow Christ’s example, and to live in harmony with others by accepting one another. Teach us to respond with patience and forbearance and to care for one another. In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen!