信心沒有行為是死的—-雅各書2:26[身體沒有靈魂是死的, 信心沒有行為也是死的.][釋義]靈將生命給人, 行為將信心裏那活的生命顯明出來. 一個人可能用盡力量, 以美麗的辭藻述說他的信仰. 不過, 那信仰若僅是不結果子的虔誠言辭, 就沒有活的行為伴隨著, 那麼, 它仍然是死的.人不能眼高手低, 不能只說不行, 不能只會做夢而不會做事. 行動比思想, 知識更重要, 行為能見證信心的真實, 信心沒有行為是死的. 無論什麼時候. 幹總是第一要緊的. 不管你想得多好, 講得多好. 你都得幹, 要動手幹, 不然就只能一無所成. [禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 我們感謝祢, 賜給我們白白的救恩, 使我們因信靠耶穌就罪得赦免, 有重生的生命, 這是何等大的恩賜! 我們也經歷到生命的改變和祢眷顧保守的恩典. 求主幫助我們, 靈命繼續的增長, 生活有美好的見證, 幫助我們以好行為來見證我們的信心和更新的生命, 也讓人看見我們的好行為, 便將榮耀歸給我們在天上的父. 禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!
Faith Without Works Is Dead — James 2:26 [As the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without deeds is dead.] [Explanation] The spirit gives life to the body, and actions reveal the living faith within. A person may passionately articulate their beliefs with eloquent words, but if that faith bears no fruit and is unaccompanied by living actions, it remains dead. We must not aim high but act low, nor should we merely talk without action. Dreaming without doing achieves nothing. Action is more important than thoughts or knowledge; it testifies to the authenticity of faith. Faith without action is dead. Whatever the situation, taking action is always the most critical step. No matter how well you plan or speak, you must act. Without action, nothing will be accomplished. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, we thank You for the gift of free salvation, allowing us to be forgiven of our sins and to receive new life through faith in Jesus. This is such a precious gift! We have experienced the transformation of life and the grace of Your care and protection. Lord, help us to continue growing spiritually and to live lives that bear a good testimony. Empower us to demonstrate our faith and renewed lives through good deeds, so that others may see our good works and give glory to our Father in heaven. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen!