樂意奉獻——歷代志上29:14[我算什麼. 我的民算什麼, 竟能如此樂意奉獻. 因為萬物都從祢而來, 我們把從祢而得的獻給祢.][釋義]大衛認識到自己一無所有. 無論他自己還是百姓, 都無法向神奉獻什麼, 除非神把奉獻的精神放在他們心中, 把奉獻的資財放在他們手中. 奉獻只不過是歸還一點神賜給我們的財富而已. 是否我只是一個聽道而不行道的人?奉獻也是行道的一部份, 讓我們不單領受恩典, 也能學習奉獻的功課. 即使我們不能有實體的崇拜, 但奉獻還是我們信徒應盡的責任. [禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 祢是萬有的主, 萬物都是從祢而來, 我們所擁有的一切, 也是袮所賜給我們的, 祢使我們生活無慮, 沒有缺乏. 我們也要感恩, 把從祢而來的奉獻給祢, 是理所當然的, 也是祢所喜悅的. 求祢的愛激勵我們, 使我們也要按祢的心意, 好好的使用祢托付我們的一切, 做祢百般恩賜的好管家. 禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!
Willing to Give — 1 Chronicles 29:14 [But who am I, and who are my people, that we should be able to give as generously as this? Everything comes from You, and we have given You only what comes from Your hand.] [Explanation] David understood that he had nothing of his own. Neither he nor the people could offer anything to God unless God Himself placed a spirit of giving in their hearts and provided the resources in their hands. Offering is simply returning a portion of the wealth God has given us. Am I someone who only hears the Word but does not act on it? Giving is part of living out our faith. Let us not only receive grace but also learn the lesson of giving. Even if we cannot participate in physical worship, giving remains a responsibility for believers. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, You are the Lord of all creation, and everything comes from You. All that we possess is a gift from You, and You provide for us so that we lack nothing. We are grateful and willing to offer back to You what comes from Your hand, knowing it is both right and pleasing to You. May Your love inspire us to use everything You have entrusted to us according to Your will, faithfully serving as stewards of Your many blessings. In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen!