一切都會過去—-約翰壹書2:17[這世界和其上的情慾都要過去, 惟獨遵行神旨意的, 是永遠常存.][釋義]世界充滿了撒但的網羅, 世界的情慾更是它的毒鉤, 千萬不能上當, 陷落, 被俘.  對墮落的人性來說, 世界和其上的情慾是可愛的, 很不容易擺脫它的勢力, 似乎離了它們就活不下去了.  屬基督的人是已經將世界和其上的情欲釘在十字架上.  今天活著只能為遵行神旨意而活, 這是永遠長存的. 而世界和其上的情欲都要過去, 不會長存的.  人生有順境逆境, 有喜怒哀樂, 以平常心去生活, 凡事交托信靠主, 謙卑順服.  當你快樂的時候, 心懷感恩.  當你痛苦的時候, 這一切都會過去.  但主的愛和陪伴不會改變, 主所安排和成就的事, 對你都是美好的.  [禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 祢是昔在, 今在, 永在的神.  天地萬物都要過去, 唯有祢長存.  我們在世上過的日子, 有高山有低谷, 有歡樂有哀泣, 我們要經歷生老病死, 但是我們感謝主, 因為有祢與我們同在, 賜給我們平安.  祢的愛和力量扶持我們走過一生的風雨.  我們求主幫助我們, 有信心倚靠祢.  順服和遵行祢的道, 因為一切都會過去, 唯獨在祢的裏面, 遵行祢的旨意, 就必永遠常存.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Everything Will Pass — 1 John 2:17 [The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever.] [Explanation] The world is full of traps set by Satan, and its desires are like poisonous hooks that can easily ensnare us. We must be vigilant not to fall into its grip or be captured. To fallen humanity, the world and its desires often seem appealing, and breaking free from their hold can feel impossible, as though life is unlivable without them. However, those who belong to Christ have crucified the world and its desires on the cross. Today, we live solely to fulfill the will of God, which is eternal, unlike the fleeting nature of worldly desires. Life is filled with both blessings and challenges, joy and sorrow. By living with a calm heart and entrusting everything to the Lord, humbly submitting to His will, we find peace. When you are joyful, give thanks to God. When you are in pain, remember that everything will pass. Yet the love and presence of the Lord remain unchanging, and what He plans and accomplishes in your life is always good. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, You are the God who was, who is, and who will always be. Though the heavens and the earth may pass away, You remain eternal. As we journey through life, facing mountains and valleys, joys and tears, and the inevitability of birth, aging, sickness, and death, we thank You for Your presence, which grants us peace. Your love and strength sustain us through life’s storms. We ask for Your help to have faith in You, to submit to and obey Your Word. For while everything else will pass away, only in You and through doing Your will can we remain forever. In Jesus Christ’s name, we pray. Amen!