困境中有指望—-哥林多前書2:9[如經上所記:神為愛他的人所預備的, 是眼睛未曾看見, 耳朵未曾聽見, 人心也未曾想到的.][釋義]有些人的生命要經歷很大的歷練, 但神的恩典和大能卻特別在他們身上彰顯, 是人沒有聽過, 見過和想到的. 求主光照我們, 從許多雲彩般的見證中得到激勵, 凡事有積極的心態. 熱愛和珍惜我們的生命. 神為信祂的人所預備的是永生, 神為愛祂的人所預備的是今生的福份. 一個愛主的人, 能在今生就享受人所未曾看見, 未曾聽見, 未曾想到的好處. 神應許將生命的冠冕賜給愛祂的人, 將天國賜給愛祂的人. 要怎樣收獲, 先怎様栽. 今生是播種的時候, 在來生我們將會收成努力所結的果子.[禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 我們感謝祢不離不棄的愛我們, 為我們的一生有美好的計劃, 我們承認自己的渺小和軟弱, 很多時候不明白袮的旨意, 在一些偉大的見證人面前, 我們更加慚愧. 求主的愛激勵我們, 加添我們不足的信心, 讓我們深信祢為我們所預備的, 都是超過我們所求所想. 幫助我們順服, 有積極的心態, 珍惜我們的生命和時光, 讓主的榮耀在我們身上得以彰顯. 禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!
Hope in Difficult Times — 1 Corinthians 2:9 [As it is written: What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived—the things God has prepared for those who love him.] [Explanation] Some people’s lives go through significant trials, but God’s grace and power are especially evident in them in ways that surpass human understanding—things no one has heard, seen, or imagined. Let us ask the Lord to enlighten us, drawing inspiration from the countless testimonies of faith. May we approach all things with a positive mindset, loving and cherishing the life God has given us. For those who believe in Him, God has prepared eternal life; for those who love Him, He has prepared blessings in this life. Those who love the Lord can already experience His blessings in this life—things unseen, unheard, and unimaginable. God has promised the crown of life to those who love Him and the kingdom of heaven to His followers. The principle remains: as we sow, so shall we reap. This life is the time to sow, and in the life to come, we will harvest the fruits of our efforts. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, we thank You for Your unwavering love and the beautiful plans You have for our lives. We confess our smallness and weakness and acknowledge that we often fail to understand Your will. When we see the great faith of others, we feel humbled and inadequate. Lord, may Your love inspire us and strengthen our lacking faith. Help us to trust fully that what You have prepared for us is beyond our imagination. Teach us to obey, embrace life with a positive attitude, and treasure the time You have given us. May Your glory shine through us. In Jesus Christ’s name, we pray. Amen!