背起自己的十字架—-馬太福音10:38[不背著他的十字架跟從我的, 也不配作我的名徒.][釋義]主耶穌道成肉身, 進入人類社會, 帶來的改變是如此的深刻和徹底. 以致會波及國家, 社會和家庭的每一層面.  相信主耶穌的人, 以上帝為主, 追求聖潔生活, 走天國的道路; 拒絕主耶穌的人, 受撒但的影響, 沉浮罪孽之中, 走世俗的道路.  正可謂道不同不相為謀.  主耶穌是和平之君. 動刀兵, 製造矛盾紛爭, 不是主耶穌來的目的, 而是祂來所引發的一種後果, 是鑄成永久和平的一個必經過程.  通往天國的道路. 並不是平順且毫無阻礙的, 在追朮信仰的道路上, 我們會遇操練, 也許是身邊人的阻擋與攻擊, 也許是磨練信心的困境.  在遭遇這樣考驗時我們不要害怕, 也不要退縮, 因為神必會指示我們當作的事, 會賜給我們屬天的智慧與能力, 我們只管無懼的背起自己的十字架. 朝天國的路邁進, 願神使我們平安.  [禱告]親愛的主耶穌, 我們知道. 唯有努力才能進入祢的國. 唯有背起自己的十字架. 才能配稱作祢的門徒.  然而祢所要我們負的軛是我們能夠擔貟.  祢所給我們的試煉, 是祢會帶領我們走過的, 所以我們不懼怕, 因為知道祢是我們的神. 主啊!求祢將當行的路指示我們, 使我們或向左, 或向右, 都不偏離祢的道.  求祢將當說的話指示我們, 使我能夠宣揚祢的福音, 能夠安慰在困苦中的弟兄姊妹.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Carrying Your Cross – Matthew 10:38 [Whoever does not take up their cross and follow me is not worthy of me.] [Explanation] When Jesus came into the world, His incarnation brought profound and radical changes that affected every level of society—nations, communities, and families. Those who believe in Jesus take God as their Lord, pursue a holy life, and walk the path of the Kingdom of Heaven. On the other hand, those who reject Him follow worldly ways under the influence of sin and Satan, creating a clear divergence: “Two cannot walk together unless they agree.” Jesus is the Prince of Peace. While conflict is not His goal, His coming often brings division as a necessary consequence in the process of establishing eternal peace. Walking the path to the Kingdom of Heaven is neither smooth nor free of obstacles. Along the way, believers may face resistance and attacks from those around them or challenges designed to refine their faith. When confronted with such trials, we should neither fear nor retreat, for God will guide us, granting us heavenly wisdom and strength. We are called to confidently take up our cross and move steadfastly toward the Kingdom of Heaven. May God grant us peace as we persevere on this path. [Prayer] Dear Lord Jesus, we know that it is only through striving that we may enter Your Kingdom. Only by taking up our cross can we be worthy to be called Your disciples. Yet, we trust that the yoke You give us is one we can bear and that You will lead us through every trial. Therefore, we will not fear, for we know You are our God. Lord, please show us the way we should go so that we will not stray from Your path, whether to the left or the right. Guide us to speak the words You want us to share, to proclaim Your gospel, and to comfort brothers and sisters in distress. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!