樹好果子也好—-馬太福音12:33[你們或以為樹好, 果子也好;樹壞, 果子也壞.  因為看果子就可以知道樹.][釋義]樹指人心.  果子指言語和行為.  種什麼樹, 收什麼果;  我們的內心就像一棵樹.  當內心在想什麼的時候, 自然而然就會表現出這樣的行為, 這些外在的行為就是我們所結出的果子, 從果子的好壞, 也可看出這是怎麼樣的一棵樹.  法利賽人一直誹謗耶穌的言行, 就可以看出他們自以為義, 假冒為善虛妄的內心世界.  我們需引以為戒. 時時檢視自己的行為舉止, 省視內心的世界, 聽從聖靈的呼召, 行走在神的道路上, 結出聖靈的果子, 榮耀主的名. [禱告]親愛的主耶穌, 我們感謝讚美祢, 有祢做我們的榜樣, 引領我們走在屬神的道路上.  主啊! 在世上, 我們常有軟弱, 以致表現出來的行為, 沒有榮耀主的名. 我們知道這是因為內心有缺乏, 有虧欠, 求祢憐憫幫助我們, 使我們能夠歸向祢, 時常省思自己在外的行為, 學習祢的様式, 成為祢所喜悅的好兒女.  願我們都能做一棵充滿愛心的樹, 並且有祢住在裡面. 結出合祢心意的果子.  在這末世充滿罪惡的世代, 能夠用基督的愛. 影響身旁還未認識祢的人, 使他們也能夠歸向祢.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

A tree is good and its fruit is good – Matthew 12:33 [You may think that a tree is good and its fruit is good; but if a tree is bad, its fruit is bad. For you can tell a tree by looking at its fruit.] [Interpretation] The tree refers to the human heart. . Fruit refers to words and actions. You will reap what you plant; our heart is like a tree. When we are thinking about something in our heart, we will naturally behave like this. These external behaviors are what we bear. The quality of the fruit can also tell what kind of tree it is. The Pharisees’ words and deeds that kept slandering Jesus can be seen from their self-righteous, hypocritical and vain inner world. We need to take this as a warning. We should always examine our behavior, examine our inner world, obey the call of the Holy Spirit, walk on the path of God, bear the fruit of the Holy Spirit, and glorify the name of the Lord. [Prayer] Dear Lord Jesus, we thank and praise You for being our example and leading us on the divine path. Lord! In the world, we are often weak, so that our behaviors do not glorify the name of the Lord. We know that this is because we are lacking and lacking in our hearts. Please have mercy on us and help us, so that we can return to You and always reflect on our external situation. Behavior, learn your style, and become good sons and daughters that please you. May we all be a tree full of love, with you living in it, and bear fruit that is in line with your heart. In this end-time era full of sin, You can use the love of Christ to influence those around you who have not yet known you, so that they can also come to you. This prayer is in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!