愛天父的心—-約翰壹書2:15[不要愛世界和世界上的事.  人若愛世界, 愛父的心就不在裏面了.][釋義]一個人不能事奉兩個主, 不是惡這個愛那個, 就是重這個輕那個, 太6:24.  我們蒙主耶穌的寶血救贖, 成為神的兒女, 要常常感謝主的恩典, 也要常存愛神的心.  因此, 要認真過生活, 要努力奔走天國路, 這樣才不枉費主的救恩.  但是, 處在這個充滿誘惑的世界, 我們愛神的心常常因為貪愛世界上的事物而失去.  這些事物包括肉體的情慾, 眼目的情慾和今生的錢財, 驕傲等, 因為愛世界, 愛天父的心就不在裏面了, 甚至會離開神.  我們應持守真道, 堅持起初的信心. 讓神的道常存在我們心裏.  神的道是戰勝罪惡與誘惑的最佳武器, 只要我們心中常存神的道, 在面對誘惑與罪惡時, 就能靠主剛強, 知所進退, 戰勝邪惡. [禱告]親愛的天父, 我們感謝讚美祢, 感謝祢施恩眷顧, 讓我們每天都生活在袮的慈愛蔭庇下, 奔走屬靈的天國路.  主啊! 現今的世代, 充滿各種的誘惑與罪惡. 我們常立志要愛祢更多, 但是往往被肉體的情慾, 眼目的情慾, 錢財和今生的驕傲所引誘, 不知不覺貪愛世界, 以致失去了愛祢的心.  主啊!求祢保守我們, 將祢的道深植我們的心. 在祢裏面生根建造, 遇到誘惑與罪惡時, 能靠祢剛強, 走在祢真理的路上. 做一個蒙祢喜愛的兒女.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Love the Father – 1 John 2:15 [Do not love the world or the things in the world. If a man loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.] [Explanation] No man can serve two masters: either they will hate the one and love the other, or they will be loyal to the one and despise the other, Matthew 6:24. We have been redeemed by the precious blood of the Lord Jesus and become children of God. We must always thank the Lord for his grace and always love God. Therefore, we must live our lives seriously and work hard on the road to the kingdom of heaven, so as not to waste the Lord’s salvation. However, in this world full of temptations, our love for God is often lost because of our love for the things in the world. These are Things include the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, money in this life, pride, etc., because the love for the world and the love for the Heavenly Father are not in it, and may even leave God. We should stick to the truth and persist in our original faith. Let God’s The Word always exists in our hearts. The Word of God is the best weapon to defeat sin and temptation. As long as the Word of God always exists in our hearts, when facing temptation and sin, we can rely on the Lord to be strong, know what to do and defeat evil. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, we thank and praise you. Thank you for your grace and care, allowing us to live under the shelter of your love every day and run on the spiritual road to heaven. Lord! Today’s era is full of all kinds of temptations. and sin. We are always determined to love You more, but we are often tempted by the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, money and the pride of this life, and unknowingly love the world, so that we lose our heart to love You. Lord! Please protect us and plant Your word deeply into our hearts. Take root and build up in You. When we encounter temptation and sin, we can rely on You to be strong and walk on the path of Your truth. Be a son or daughter who is favored by You. The prayer is In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!