不可拜偶像—-出埃及記20:4-5[不可為自己雕刻偶像…. 不可詭拜那些像, 也不可事奉它.][釋義]士師記18:20”祭司心裏喜悅, 便拿著以弗得知家中的神像, 並雕刻的像, 進入他們中間.” 祭司被優越的條件所迷惑, 背棄與米迦的信義和契約. 率先盜取偶像和宗教器物. 他曾使一個家庭墮落, 如今又使一個支派但人走向墮落的深淵. 假祭司與背道的但人一拍即合, 心裡喜悅就拿著偶像進入他們中間. 今天一些傳道人和假信徒也是互相供應, 假傳道人提供精神麻醉品, 假信徒提供名利. 所作所為皆為神所不喜, 值得我們警惕警醒. [禱告]親愛的主耶穌, 感謝祢一路的帶領. 弟兄妹多有嶄新蒙神喜悅的目標和計劃. 願神繼續保守和帶領. 祈求祢赐給我們信心與智慧, 使心意更新而變化, 知道何為祢善良, 純正, 可喜悅的旨意. 時時靠主, 藉著聖靈帶領日日更新, 榮神益人. 禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!
Do not worship idols – Exodus 20:4-5 [You shall not make for yourself any graven images… You shall not worship them or serve them.] [Interpretation] Judges 18:20 “In the hearts of the priests… Delighted, he took the idols and graven images that were in the house of Ephesians and entered among them.” The priest was deceived by the superior offer and broke his faith and covenant with Micah. He was the first to steal idols and religious artifacts. He had It caused the degradation of a family, and now it has led a tribe of Danites to the abyss of degradation. The false priests hit it off with the apostate Danites, and they took idols into their midst for joy in their hearts. Today some preachers and false believers also supply each other with false preachers. People provide spiritual narcotics, and false believers provide fame and fortune. Everything we do is displeasing to God and deserves our vigilance. [Prayer] Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for your guidance along the way. Many brothers and sisters have new goals that please God. and plan. May God continue to protect and guide you. I pray that you will give us faith and wisdom, so that our minds will be renewed and changed, and we will know what your good, pure, and pleasing will is. Always rely on the Lord and be renewed every day through the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Honor God and benefit people. This prayer is in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!