出人意外的平安—-腓立比書4:7[神所賜出人意外的平安, 必在基督耶穌裏, 保守你們的心懷意念.][釋義]神的平安是藉著禱告而得的. 神所賜出人意外的平安, 意味著與神和好, 得到神的恩寵並與神合一. 這有別於世上的平安. 因為世上的平安是一時的, 表面的, 是不安定的. 而神的平安是永恆的, 本質的, 完全的. “出人意外” 意味著神所賜的平安不是人們自行創造或享有的, 而超越人們認知的, 只有經歷過的人才能意會. 耶穌用五餅二魚餵飽五千人, 是唯一四福音書共同記載的神蹟, 也是主耶穌賜下出人意外的平安. 主耶稣不但完善解決五千人吃飽的難題, 甚至將它轉化成慈愛, 豐盛的恩典印記. [禱告]親愛的主耶稣, 回想在每日的生活中, 我們總是疲於奔命的在工作, 學業, 各様的壓力與責任中. 久而久之, 竟也與五餅二魚中的門徒一樣, 雖在生命中經歷祢所賞賜大大小小的恩典, 但遇見生命中的難题時, 我們經常仍只注視我們的不足與困境. 求祢憐憫, 開啓我們的心, 使我們真正認識祢, 學習凡事一無掛慮, 藉著禱告, 祈求, 和感謝, 將生命中的難題告訴祢, 交托祢. 以信心在主裡得著平靜安穩的恩典. 禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!
The Peace That Surpasses All Understanding — Philippians 4:7 [And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.] Explanation:The peace of God is attained through prayer. The peace that God gives means reconciliation with God, receiving His grace, and being united with Him. This is different from worldly peace, which is temporary, superficial, and unstable. God’s peace is eternal, intrinsic, and perfect. “Surpasses all understanding” means that the peace given by God is not something people can create or possess on their own; it transcends human comprehension and can only be truly understood by those who have experienced it. Jesus feeding the five thousand with five loaves and two fish is the only miracle recorded in all four Gospels. It is also a manifestation of the peace that Jesus provides, a peace that surpasses all understanding. Not only did Jesus solve the problem of feeding five thousand people, but He also transformed it into a mark of loving and abundant grace. Prayer: Dear Lord Jesus, as we reflect on our daily lives, we often find ourselves rushing through work, studies, and various pressures and responsibilities. Over time, like the disciples in the story of the five loaves and two fish, we may experience the blessings You bestow upon us but still focus on our shortcomings and difficulties when faced with life’s challenges. We ask for Your mercy and for You to open our hearts so that we may truly know You. Help us to learn to be anxious about nothing and, through prayer, petition, and thanksgiving, bring our life’s challenges to You and entrust them to You. May we, in faith, receive the grace of peace and calmness in You. We pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!