遵守神的命令—-申命記4:2[所吩咐你們的話, 你們不可加添, 也不可刪減,  好叫你遵守我所吩咐的, 就是耶和華你們的命令.][釋義]掃羅是王, 職責是治理國家, 帶领百姓敬拜神;  獻祭是神賦予祭司的職份.  以下是撒母耳斥責掃羅擅自燔祭的經文, 撒母耳記上13:11-13掃羅說:”…我勉強強獻上燔祭.”  撒母耳對掃羅說:”你做了糊塗事了!沒有遵守耶和華你神所吩你的命令…. 現在你的王位必不長久. ]神的所有話語都基於神的完全, 聖潔及全知.  因此, 人決不能人為地加添或刪減.  這是聖經的基本原則, 始終貫穿新, 舊約. [禱告]親愛的天父上帝, 我們感謝讚美祢, 感謝祢的施恩眷顧, 讓我們能生活在祢的慈愛蔭庇下.  主啊!我們常常軟弱, 有時犯錯, 不但不敢勇於認錯悔改, 甚至找理由來推卸責任.  我們知道遮掩罪過必不亨通, 𠄘認離棄罪過的必蒙憐恤, 求祢帶領我們遵守祢的命令, 走在祢真理的路上.  偶有犯錯時能勇於認錯悔改, 讓我們做蒙神喜悅的兒女.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Keeping God’s Commandments — Deuteronomy 4:2 [Do not add to what I command you and do not subtract from it, but keep the commands of the Lord your God that I give you.] Explanation: Saul was a king whose responsibility was to govern the nation and lead the people in worshiping God. Offering sacrifices was a duty assigned to priests by God. The following is a passage where Samuel rebukes Saul for presumptuously offering burnt sacrifices:

1 Samuel 13:11-13: Saul said, “…I felt compelled to offer the burnt offering.” Samuel said to Saul, “You have done a foolish thing. You have not kept the command the Lord your God gave you… Now your kingdom will not endure.” All of God’s words are based on His perfection, holiness, and omniscience. Therefore, humans must not add to or subtract from them. This is a fundamental principle that runs through both the Old and New Testaments. Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, we thank and praise You. Thank You for Your grace and care, allowing us to live under Your loving protection. Lord, we are often weak and sometimes make mistakes. Not only are we afraid to courageously admit our faults and repent, but we even find excuses to shirk responsibility. We know that covering up sins will not lead to prosperity, but whoever confesses and renounces them finds mercy. We pray that You lead us to keep Your commandments and walk in Your truth. When we occasionally make mistakes, help us to courageously admit our faults and repent so that we may be children who are pleasing to You. We pray in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!