小信的人—-馬太福音14:31[耶穌趕緊伸出手拉住他. 說:你這小信的人哪, 為甚麼疑惑呢?][釋義]行完五餅二魚的神蹟後, 耶穌隨即催促門徒搭船到對岸去, 自己獨自到山上禱告. 船行在加利利海中, 因風不順. 被浪搖撼. 此時耶穌在海面走, 往門徒那裡去. 彼得聽見那行在海面上的是耶穌, 滿有信心地回應道”主, 如果是你, 請叫我從水面上走到祢那裡去.” 下海後因見風甚至大, 就害怕了. 今日我們聽聞許多見證, 甚至親身體驗主的恩典. 一時滿有信心, 但是否見到環境險峻又動搖了對主的信心呢?其實主時刻在我們身旁, 等待我們向祂呼求, 祂就要伸手搭救我們. [禱告]親愛的主耶穌. 祢是全能全知的主. 我們短暫的的生命, 因為得著祢的救恩而有意義. 主啊!願我們即使不能完全明白所遭遇的逆境, 卻不動搖對主的信心. 因為深知獨有祢是無所不能的主, 無論任何境遇, 相信主必要伸手扶著助拯救我們. 願主憐憫見到風浪仍會膽怯小信的我們. 看顧我們在軟弱中的禱告. 禱告是奉主耶稣基督的名, 阿們!
You of Little Faith — Matthew 14:31 [Jesus immediately reached out His hand and caught him. He said, ‘You of little faith, why did you doubt?] [Explanation] After performing the miracle of feeding five thousand with five loaves and two fish, Jesus urged His disciples to get into the boat and go to the other side while He went up to the mountain to pray alone. The boat was in the middle of the Sea of Galilee, being tossed by the waves because the wind was against it. At that moment, Jesus walked on the sea towards the disciples. When Peter heard that it was Jesus walking on the water, he responded with full confidence, “Lord, if it’s You, tell me to come to You on the water.” However, after stepping into the sea, he became afraid when he saw the strong wind. Today, we often hear many testimonies or even personally experience the grace of the Lord. For a moment, we may be filled with faith, but do we waver in our faith when we see difficult circumstances? In fact, the Lord is always by our side, waiting for us to call upon Him, and He will reach out and save us. [Prayer] Dear Lord Jesus, You are the Almighty and All-knowing Lord. Our brief lives are meaningful because of Your salvation. Lord, even though we may not fully understand the adversities we face, may we not waver in our faith in You. For we know that You alone are the all-powerful Lord, and in any situation, we trust that You will reach out and support and save us. Lord, have mercy on us, who are still fearful and of little faith when faced with the storms of life. Watch over us in our prayers during times of weakness. This we pray in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!