信靠,  順服, 與等候—-路得記3:18[婆婆說:”女兒啊, 你只管安坐等候, 看這事怎樣成就, 因為那人今日不辦成這事必不休息.][釋義]信心是一種順服交託, 這並非站在原地, 什麼事都不用做, 相反地是要努力完成自己的本份.  當人盡了自己的責任, 緊緊跟隨主, 將自己一切獻上後, 就是等候神的時候.  真正的信心要進入等候, 等候耶和華的必重新得力.  在信仰的路上, 我們無法永遠剛強. 當遭遇疲乏困倦與軟弱時. 等候耶和華必如鷹展翅上騰, 而主也必為我們成就一切事.  [禱告]親愛的主耶穌, 感謝祢的慈愛與恩典.  為了辦成救贖世人的奇妙大恩, 不惜犧牲生命流下寶血. 又回到天父那邊, 差保惠師與我們永遠同在.  何等大恩典, 我要歌頌讚美主. 主啊!在追求信仰的路上, 我們願意如路得般有單純的信心. 因著信靠, 順服與等候.  內心倚靠主而安心穩妥.  主啊!近期社會中有許多紛擾, 也發生不少駭人聽聞的事件, 求主憐憫, 使我們在禱告的同時, 更加確認祢才是我們唯一的救主.  我們要定晴仰望在天上的榮美天家, 愛慕祢的聖潔國度.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Trust, Obey, and Wait — Ruth 3:18 [Then Naomi said, “Wait, my daughter, until you find out what happens. For the man will not rest until the matter is settled today.”] [Explanation] Faith is a form of obedient trust. This doesn’t mean standing still and doing nothing. On the contrary, it means striving to fulfill our own duties. When a person has done their part, closely follows the Lord, and offers everything they have, then it is time to wait on God. True faith involves entering into a period of waiting. Those who wait on the Lord will renew their strength. On the path of faith, we cannot always remain strong. When we encounter fatigue, weariness, and weakness, waiting on the Lord will lift us up like eagles on wings, and the Lord will accomplish everything for us. [Prayer] Dear Lord Jesus, thank You for Your love and grace. In order to accomplish the wondrous act of saving mankind, You did not hesitate to sacrifice Your life and shed Your precious blood. You returned to the Father and sent the Holy Spirit to be with us forever. What a great grace this is, and I will sing praises to You. Lord, on the path of pursuing faith, we desire to have a simple faith like Ruth’s, trusting, obeying, and waiting. By relying on You, our hearts find peace and security. Lord, there are many disturbances in society recently, and some horrifying events have occurred. We ask for Your mercy, so that while we pray, we may be even more assured that You are our only Savior. We will keep our eyes fixed on the glorious heavenly home and long for Your holy kingdom. We pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!