說造就人的話語—-路得記2:12[願耶和華照所行的賞賜你, 你來投靠耶和華以色列神的翅膀下, 願你滿得他的賞賜.][釋義]路德到波阿斯的田裡拾取麥穗, 波阿斯用充滿信心與愛心的話語鼓勵路得, 祝福路得享有神的賞賜.  在那個信仰墮落的士師時代. 這些祝福顯得格外美好.  主耶穌揀選並救贖我們. 只要我們謙卑祈禱, 祂就常用寶血洗淨我們, 主耶穌期待我們能與人分享祂的慈愛和祝福.  [禱告]親愛的主耶穌, 祢是全能偉大的主, 唯獨來自祢的話語是聖潔的, 有能力的, 是我們所追求的.  在這罪惡淫邪的世界中, 唯獨祢的話能保守我們走上永生的路.  我們雖然常有軟弱, 但願緊緊抓住祢慈愛的膀臂, 把祢的話語豐豐富富的存在心中, 並且靠奢祢所賜的聖靈分別為聖, 隨時都可以說出造就人的話語. 鼓勵人樂意親近神.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Words that Edify—Ruth 2:12 [May the Lord reward you for what you have done. May you be richly rewarded by the Lord, the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to take refuge.] [Interpretation] Ruth gleaned in Boaz’s field, and Boaz encouraged her with words full of faith and love, blessing her to receive God’s reward. In that era of the judges, when faith was in decline, such blessings were especially beautiful. The Lord Jesus has chosen and redeemed us. As long as we pray humbly, He continuously cleanses us with His precious blood. The Lord Jesus desires that we share His love and blessings with others. [Prayer] Dear Lord Jesus, You are the Almighty and Great Lord. Only Your words are holy and powerful; they are what we seek. In this sinful and corrupt world, only Your words can keep us on the path to eternal life. Although we are often weak, we hope to hold tightly to Your loving arms, richly storing Your words in our hearts. By relying on the Holy Spirit You give us, we strive to speak words that edify others, encouraging them to draw near to God. We pray this in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!