試煉—-雅各書1:2[我的弟兄們, 你們落在百般試煉中, 都要以為大喜樂.][釋義]何謂試煉?試煉是藉由苦境測試人的心志, 磨練人在苦難中成長. 試煉乃是出於神, 是善意的, 是為了叫人得益處.  人面對試煉, 身心靈都非常煎熬, 很容易放棄原則, 向苦難投降, 妥協; 但這就是對信心的考驗.  信心經過考驗, 就生忍耐, 不但知道靠神站立得穩, 經過測試, 更能在熬煉中不斷成長, 以至成全完備.  雅各勉勵大家, 當面臨試煉時, 應以喜樂的心忍受, 甘願安靜順服, 因為這樣的人是有福的, 凡經過試煉,  必得生命的冠冕.  [禱告]親愛的主耶穌, 至高至大的神, 掌管天地萬物, 願人都尊祢的名為聖, 齊心讚美祢的大能與恩典.  當我們落在百般試煉中, 備嚐苦味, 惴惴不安的時候, 求祢堅固我們的信心, 信靠祢的權柄, 慈悲和公義.  懇求主的聖靈充滿, 賜予忍受試煉的能力, 在百般的試煉中, 都有祢所賜下的安慰與喜樂.  但願我們都能在試煉中成長, 熬煉如精金, 反映出榮美的生命, 將來得以配戴公義的冠冕.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Trials—James 1:2 [My brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, consider it pure joy.] [Interpretation] What is a trial? A trial is a test of a person’s resolve through difficult circumstances, a process of growth in the face of hardship. Trials come from God, they are well-intentioned, meant to benefit us. When faced with trials, it is common to feel intense physical, mental, and spiritual anguish, making it easy to abandon principles, surrender to suffering, and compromise; but this is precisely a test of faith. Tested faith produces perseverance, and not only teaches us to stand firm with God’s help but also strengthens us through the trial, leading to completeness and maturity. James encourages everyone to endure trials with joy, to willingly submit in quiet obedience, for such a person is blessed. All who endure trials will receive the crown of life. [Prayer] Dear Lord Jesus, Almighty God, who rules over all things, may Your name be hallowed, and may we all join in praising Your power and grace. When we face trials of many kinds, tasting bitterness and feeling anxious, strengthen our faith to trust in Your authority, mercy, and justice. We earnestly pray for the Holy Spirit to fill us, granting the ability to endure trials, and providing the comfort and joy You bestow in the midst of many trials. May we grow through these trials, refined like pure gold, reflecting a glorious life, and ultimately be worthy to wear the crown of righteousness. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen!