脫離試探—-彼得後書2:9[主知道搭救敬虔的人脫離試探, 把不義的人留在刑罰之下, 等候審判的日子.][釋義]”主知道”指主知道我們的存心, 難處和忍受的限度.  “搭救敬虔的人”指主必不叫敬畏神的人所遇見的難處超過他們所能忍受的, 林前10:13.  “脫離試探” 指脫離罪惡的環境所給的引誘和苦難.  “不義的人”指作不法之事的人.  “留在刑罰之下” 按原文的時態, 表示審判惡人已經開始, 且持續至神最後的審判.  “審判的日子”指不敬虔誠之人受審判遭到沉淪的日子.  [禱告]親愛的主耶穌, 祢是獨一的真神, 諸天表明祢的公義, 萬民看見祢的榮耀.  祢散布亮光, 將祢的民從黑暗中領出.  願一切事奉雕刻的偶像, 靠虛無之神自誇的, 都蒙羞愧.  我們當靠祢的名歡喜颂讚.  照祢所喜悅的, 用虔誠, 敬畏的心事奉祢;  求祢憐恤我們的軟弱, 保守我們脫離試探, 繼續行在這條光明的路上.  禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Deliverance from Temptation — 2 Peter 2:9 [The Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials, and to keep the unrighteous under punishment until the day of judgment.] [Explanation] “The Lord knows” refers to how the Lord knows our hearts, difficulties, and the limits of what we can endure. “Rescue the godly” means that the Lord will not allow those who fear Him to face difficulties beyond what they can bear, as referenced in 1 Corinthians 10:13. “Deliverance from temptation” refers to being freed from the temptations and sufferings brought on by sinful environments. “The unrighteous” refers to those who commit lawless deeds. “Under punishment” refers to the fact that, according to the original tense, the judgment of the wicked has already begun and will continue until God’s final judgment. “Day of judgment” refers to the day when the ungodly will face judgment and destruction. [Prayer] Dear Lord Jesus, You are the one true God. The heavens declare Your righteousness, and all nations see Your glory. You spread forth light and lead Your people out of darkness. May all who serve carved idols and boast in false gods be put to shame. We will rejoice and praise Your name. May we serve You with hearts of piety and reverence, as You desire. We ask for Your mercy upon our weaknesses, and that You keep us from temptation so we may continue walking on this path of light. We pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!

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