神的恩典—-詩篇65:11[祢以恩典為年歲的冠冕, 祢的路徑都滴下脂油.][釋義]前一句表明神的恩典終年不斷, 後一句表明神的道路無往不利, 處處蒙恩. 主耶穌基督就是恩典. 凡信祂的人, 就得著恩典, 並且還恩上加恩. 神看千年有如昨日, 又如夜的一更. 神統管年歲, 神有慈愛, 亦有公義. 年歲的豐歉, 世界之安危. 皆探在神的手中. 冠冕就是榮耀, 要得那不朽的冠冕, 坐而言, 不如起而行. 回顧恩典, 展望前程, 最大的祝福在於立定志向, 更加親近神, 在屬靈的智慧上有所長進, 成為一位配得神恩典的人. 願諸位弟兄姊妹的生活都能更加蒙福, 所到之處都有神所預備的賞𧶽與恩典.[禱告]親愛的主耶穌, 我們齊心在祢的跟前禱告敬拜, 感謝祢以豐盛的恩典為歲月的冠冕, 在祢引領的路上滴下油脂. 蒙主眷顧. 願祢繼續帶領教導, 使我更加長進, 能夠在祢的愛中得到祝福, 有屬靈的智慧, 更加明白祢的道理, 行事為人都能合乎祢的旨意, 成為一位配得上祢恩典的人. 禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!
The Grace of God—Psalm 65:11 [You crown the year with Your goodness, and Your paths drip with abundance.] [Explanation] The first part of the verse reflects God’s constant grace throughout the year, and the second part reveals that God’s way is prosperous and blessed in all things. The Lord Jesus Christ embodies grace itself. Whoever believes in Him receives grace and continues to receive grace upon grace. For God, a thousand years is like a single day or a single watch in the night. God governs all time, embodying both love and righteousness. The prosperity of the year and the safety of the world are all in God’s hands. The crown signifies glory, and to attain the incorruptible crown, one must not merely sit idle but take action. Reflect on the grace of the past and look to the future with determination. The greatest blessing lies in setting your resolve to draw closer to God, growing in spiritual wisdom, and becoming a person worthy of God’s grace. May each brother and sister live a blessed life, with God’s prepared rewards and grace accompanying them wherever they go. [Prayer] Dear Lord Jesus, we come together to pray and worship before You, grateful that You crown the years with abundant grace, and Your leading path drips with richness. Blessed by Your care, may You continue to guide and teach me, helping me grow in spiritual wisdom. May I understand Your truth more deeply, so that my actions align with Your will, and become worthy of Your grace. We pray this in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!