數算主恩—-以弗所書1:3[願頌讚歸與我們主耶穌基督的父神! 祂在基督裏曾賜給我們天上各様屬靈的福氣.][釋義]在人生的路途上, 當我們遇上挫折或不如意時, 數算恩典可作為一種解藥, 讓我們能重新過基督徒得勝的生活.  若我們數算主恩, 便能在永恆的亮光中看清今生財富的價值.  而當我們回顧自己所領受的恩惠時, 我們在世的旅途由開始直至終結時, 神所供應的幫助和安慰是我們至高無上的祝福.  [禱告]親愛的天父, 我們承認自己的自私, 自以為是的行為, 總是察看別人的不是, 常常批評埋怨, 求主赦免我們.  讓我們的生命有歡笑和喜樂多過哀哭和苦惱, 能夠榮神益人. 數算恩典使我們知道留得青山在, 不愁沒材燒.  基督是我們的青山, 有這青山在, 一切的供應都有了, 我們可以不愁了. 禱告是奉主耶穌基督的名, 阿們!

Counting God’s Blessings – Ephesians 1:3 [Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ.] [Explanation] In life’s journey, when we face setbacks or disappointments, counting blessings can serve as an antidote, allowing us to return to a victorious Christian life. By reflecting on God’s grace, we gain a clearer perspective on the true value of earthly riches in the light of eternity. Looking back at the blessings received, we realize that from the beginning to the end of our journey, God’s provision, help, and comfort are our greatest blessings. [Prayer] Dear Heavenly Father, we confess our selfishness and self-righteous behavior—always noticing others’ faults and often criticizing or complaining. We ask for Your forgiveness. Fill our lives with more laughter and joy than sorrow and distress, so that we may glorify You and benefit others. Counting our blessings reminds us of the enduring truth: as long as we have the “evergreen mountain,” we need not worry about provision. Christ is our evergreen mountain; with Him, all our needs are met, and we can live free of fear. In Jesus Christ’s name, we pray, Amen!