馬可福音9:23”耶穌對他説:你若能信, 在信的人, 凡事都能.” 這是我們挺過低潮, 走出人生逆境的力量. 信徒因為不信, 故不能與主聯合為一, 支取祂的權柄. 神蹟不只建造在神的全能上, 也是建造在人的信心上. 人必須全心信靠神, 才不至於居限祂所能作的事. 0026—Mark 9:23 “Jesus said to him: If you can believe, all things are possible for those who believe.” This is our strength to survive the lows and get out of the adversity of life. Because believers do not believe, they cannot be with […]