詩篇126:5”流淚撒種的, 必歡呼收割.” 我們不要為過去哀傷, 2021辛丑年, 是華人奮起之年. 面對霸凌歧視, 倚靠神勇敢向前行. 花時間緬懷列祖列宗, 花時間親近神, 花神間與家人親友好好相處. 在新的季節流淚撒種, 重新規劃自己的人生, 抓住時機勇敢向前行, 經歷神恢復的恩典. 0048—Psalm 126:5 “He who sows in tears will reap with joy.” Let us not mourn for the past, 2021 is the year of grief for the Chinese people. In the face of bullying and discrimination, rely on God to move forward […]